Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our Westinghouse Fridge (WTE4200SB)

It can be very difficult to know which appliance is the best when shopping around. People don't usually go and buy refrigerators each and every day, and even if you happen to buy a new fridge it can still be several years since your last purchase!

So knowing what to buy proved a little difficult initially. When I shopped at Harvey Norman and The Good Guys I fell in love with the bottom freezers, but didn't fall on love with their price tag! (I don't know why they are priced so differently?)

Anyway, after refining our buying decision down to two factors: it needed to fit in the alcove of our new kitchen AND it had to be silver we were still uncertain on what to choose.

In the end I scoured the Product Review website and after several days of wading through the reviews found the WTE4200SB as bring the best for us.

There are though a couple of things that weren't made aware to me that I thought to share with you now:
Firstly, the fridge door is slightly angled meaning that if you leave it open it will close for you. This is handy however I think the angle is a little too steep as when the door slams it makes the freezer door open and then close. So you'll generally hear two doors close when you shut the fridge door.
Secondly, I think the dimensions we were given were quite liberal. I think if you ever do consider a fridge go to a store and ACTUALLY measure the thing! From the dimensions we were given I thought it was going to be a tight squeeze - not so, we have quite the gap, which I guess is good as it allows for the fridge to breathe.
Thirdly, the fridge is noisy, but it's certainly not an unbearable noise. If you sleep right next to the fridge and you consider yourself to be a light sleeper then I wouldn't recommend buying this fridge. We happen to sleep on the opposite side of the house so the noise isn't a problem for us.
Lastly, putting drinks down on the lower door tray will indent the plastic because of those funny white teeth things that keep the drinks there. I personally don't mind, but if you have guests come over and put on the table all the drinks you have available you may get the odd question - why are they dented?

Anyway, apart from that the fridge does it's job, which is to cool and to keep things cool. My wife seems to like the blue light, but I consider it a cosmetic fancy that really seems to have no purpose.

Would I consider buying a WTE4200SB again? Meh... I'd probably shop around some more and see what else is out there. And I'd definitely be more diligent on the measurements too!

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